Experts on the Zeramex XT implant system

«We have had a major change in technology. The results and survival rates of ceramic implants are similar to those of titanium. According to the literature, zirconia implants show similar osseointegration to titanium implants. We have comparable surgical procedures for some ceramic implant concepts. In addition, patients with ceramic implants have healthier peri-implant soft tissue. This is what we can now observe as dentists ... and what makes me believe in ceramic implants.»
Dr. Jens Tartsch
President of the European Society for Ceramic Implantology (ESCI), Chairman of the German Society for Environmental Dentistry (DEGUZ)

«In preclinical and clinical studies, zirconia implants have demonstrated good osseointegration, good material stability, good immunological/toxicological compatibility, good hard and soft tissue stability and convincing aesthetic results. Reversibly screw-retained two-part implant systems allow the range of prosthetic indications to be extended beyond single-tooth and bridge restorations.»
Dr. Elisabeth Jacobi-Gresser
Specialist in oral surgery, implantology & environmental dentistry, founding member & board member of DEGUZ, DGZI training officer

«Ceramic implants are a real alternative to titanium implants. Once you have experienced the advantages of zirconium oxide ceramics for yourself, you will appreciate them and never want to look back. In addition to the possibility of a metal-free restoration, they offer a sensible addition to the existing range of treatments for many risk groups, taking into account the respective indications.»
Dr. Dr. Thomas Mehnert
Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery, implant dentistry and plastic surgery

«With good care, we see fantastic long-term results, hardly any loss of soft tissue or bone. In some cases, it seems that ceramic implants are superior to natural teeth, especially in the aesthetically sensitive front... Once you have worked with ceramic implants and experienced excellent healing and no complications, you reach the point of no return.»
Dr. med. Thomas Franke
Licensed doctor and dentist as well as specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery & founder of the private medical centre for biological oral and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry in Berlin-Charlottenburg

«The Zeramex XT system is characterised by high primary stability with a very clear and comprehensible drilling protocol and handling. This system can therefore also be used for demanding indications such as immediate concepts or implantation in soft bone...
We also use locator connections (Docklocs® abutments) for the prosthetic restoration. This makes it possible to provide patients with a very cost-effective prosthetic restoration. The results to date show that this concept works reliably and predictably in the short-term follow-up and that patients report an enormous increase in their oral health-related quality of life.»
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz
Senior Physician, Head of the Implantology & Augmentation Surgery Section, Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Specialist in Oral Surgery at the University Medical Centre of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

«Ceramic implants are definitely on the rise and are becoming an increasingly popular treatment option for our patients at the White Clinic. They are ideal for patients who are sensitive to metal or looking for a metal-free alternative... Once in situ, they are easy to restore. I must say that I really appreciate the two-piece nature of the system and the carbon-fibre reinforced screw.»
Dr. Miguel Stanley
Founder & Clinical Director of the White Clinic

«As part of a PhD thesis, we conducted a retrospective follow-up study of 21 patients with our PhD student and the University of Basel. Thirty-six two-piece Zeramex XT ceramic implants were analysed. In addition to recording clinical parameters, the study focused on the abutment-implant connection using a carbon-fibre reinforced PEEK screw, which did not give rise to any complaints in any of the cases examined. The average loading phase of the ceramic implants was 2.5 years and the survival and success rates are the same as for comparable and established titanium implants.»
PD Dr. Dr. Michael Gahlert
Dentist, oral surgeon and co-founder of Oralchirurgie T1

«Ceramic implants expand the spectrum of a dental practice and offer patients a reliable alternative to titanium. This fact is all the more important as the demand for ceramic implants from patients will continue to increase. In a study conducted by our research group, it was shown that tooth-coloured ceramic implants are more attractive to patients than grey titanium implants. In addition, ceramic implants have advantages in demanding aesthetic indications and in compromised soft tissue conditions. In numerous clinical cases over the last decade, we have observed rapid, non-irritant and stable adaptation of the peri-implant mucosa.»
PD Dr. Dr. Stefan Röhling
Dentist, oral surgeon and co-founder of Oralchirurgie T1

«First and foremost, the implant itself convinced me. And the digital workflow is not just a gimmick, but a real blessing in certain situations. For example, I'm absolutely happy with the 3.5 mm Zeramex XT implant for narrow gaps in the lower jaw - try moulding that in analogue! With scan posts, it's like a walk in the park for my patient and me. We also have great results with interdisciplinary treatments in combination with orthodontic restorations. With an analogue impression, you might tear out half the orthodontic appliance or change it far too much. As you can see, the digital workflow and ceramic implants are not a contradiction, ceramic implants are an excellent addition to our treatment spectrum.»
Dr. med. dent. Rouven Wagner M. Sc.
Dentist, oral surgeon & co-founder of Praxisklinik Hohenbuschei

«I have been working with the Zeramex XT implant system since 2019 and am extremely satisfied with the results I have been able to achieve. Both the surgeon and the prosthodontist can rely on the system. My experience also shows that Zeramex XT is the best implant solution for the anterior region. The Vicarbo screw is an ideal connection between the implant and abutment: none of the Zeramex XT implants used to date have experienced screw loosening. Zeramex XT fulfils patients' wishes for natural aesthetics and healthy soft tissue. My patients are very satisfied with a highly aesthetic, durable and metal-free restoration.»
Dr. Nashat Gara
Founder & CEO of Gara Clinic
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