52nd International Annual Congress of the DGZI


"Implantology is teamwork" - this is the title of the 52nd International Annual Congress of the DGZI.
We are very pleased to be part of the 52nd International Annual Congress of the DGZI - with the Table Clinics presentation (Table Clinics 13) "Ceramic implants as a concept for success in practice - evaluation of over 400 Zeramex XT implants" by Dr. Dr. Thomas Mehnert.

The world of ceramic implantology is exciting and diverse. This makes it all the more important to explore it together with experienced colleagues and luminaries of ceramic implantology.

Take the opportunity to learn theory and practice in one module and be inspired by experts in ceramic implantology. Meet us in person.

About the speaker

Dr Dr Thomas Mehnert is a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery, implantology and plastic surgery. He studied dentistry at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and medicine at the Dresden Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital. He ran a private practice in Cologne from 1992 to 2023.

Date & location

6/7 October 2023

Grand Elysée Hamburg Hotel, Hambug

Program (PDF)



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