1. European Congress for Ceramic Implant Dentistry - ESCI

Ceramic dental implants have evolved from a rather marginal phenomenon to a serious factor in dental implant therapy. Currently, it is one of the fastest growing, most research-intensive and innovative areas in dentistry. Therefore, a scientific and evidence-based approach of this topic is of utmost importance!


Event: 1. European Congress for Ceramic Implant Dentistry - ESCI

Date: Freitag, 11. October 2019 & Samstag, 12. October 2019

Location: Seminarhotel Bocken, Bockenweg 4, CH-8810 Horgen, Zürich Switzerland


Here you will find all information about the program:

> Program ESCI 2019


For further informations please contact:

Dr. Jens Tartsch
Kreuzstrasse 2
CH 8802 Kilchberg, Switzerland
+41 44 715 48 77


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